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Jjs Collection Apparel Store



檔案大小:65.9 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

Jjs Collection Apparel Store(圖1)-速報App

Jjs Collection Apparel Store is a registered business since in January 2014.

Be inspired and never miss a trend

- Receive update of the latest fashion trends for women, men, and kids from over thousands of collections.

- We offer a wide range of lengths versatile staple in any woman's wardrobe.

- You'll find cute dress styles ranging from floor-length to mid-thigh, and everything in between.

- Get inspiration on this season´s must-haves through our carefully selected street styles to ensure shoppers' perfect delight.

Enjoy our Cash on Delivery & Cash on Pick up Services to the Philippines

Jjs Collection Apparel Store(圖2)-速報App

- Choose COD or COP when checkout as a mode of payment.

- Safe and secure mobile experience

- Track the status of your parcel at any time

Enjoy our Free Shipping Nationwide Philippines

- Avail Free Shipping on order total purchase ₱3500

Daily Flash Sales and Coupon Codes

Jjs Collection Apparel Store(圖3)-速報App

- Save more with exclusive app-only offers, promo codes, and discounts at the best prices every day

App permissions

- Identity: necessary to send you personalized notifications for coupon codes, sale alerts, and much more! Also, get a free gift once installed on your mobile device.

- Photos/Media/Files: necessary to load product images faster. Jjs Collection Apparel Store will not have access to your private photos or data.

- Camera: necessary to use the photo search and barcode scanner functionalities.

Clients Guarantee

- Check out of our customer reviews, see the seller ratings, and interact with sellers directly! Dissatisfied? Simply return for a full refund via the simple returns policy.

Jjs Collection Apparel Store(圖4)-速報App

Connect with us

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jjscollection.ph

- Show us your outfits on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jjscollection.ph/

- Be inspired by our favorite styles and trends on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ph/Jjscollection/

Secure Payment Pay securely through multiple payment options available.

- Cash on Delivery.

- Business Bank Account

Jjs Collection Apparel Store(圖5)-速報App


--Gcash & Paymaya


Customer Service

- Contact us via email at info@jjscollection.ph

- Chat us via Facebook Page m.me/jjscollection.ph

Jjs Collection Apparel Store(圖6)-速報App

JJS COLLECTION APPAREL STORE is one of an online fashion retailer in the Philippines.

We mainly engaged in the latest fashion of the best trendy style that can be suitable for everyday used. Our highly creative and positive team is always focused on developing our line of products and improving on what we already have. We continue to provide shoppers worldwide only the best, which they do deserve. At Jjs Collection Apparel Store, we aim to be a blessing by providing an excellent quality of pretty items and a happy service!

Jjs Collection Apparel Store(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad